3 Lesser-Known Copywriting Techniques that Keep Readers Glued to Your Content

3 Lesser-Known Copywriting Techniques that Keep Readers Glued to Your Content

Reader Comments (16)

  1. Hi Dustin,

    I think creating a bond is critical when writing blogs. We all talk about having a niche audience – but if those people can’t relate to your content, it won’t have a positive impact on them.

  2. These are pretty great suggestions. I love the thought of starting where the pain is and offering to make it feel better. There’s so much psychology in writing. Good stuff!

  3. Copywriting is the integrated form of content marketing. The above techniques will definitely help copywriters and content marketers to create a good piece of content. After working 5 years as a content marketer I have learnt that copywriting is a constantly changing process. Copywriters have to develop their skills with the ongoing trending topics and scenarios. Thanks for this nice article.

  4. I write a lot of long copy and use “seeds” all the time – I just never called them that. I like it. You could also think of leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for readers to gather.

    • Hi Leanne — Great point: ‘leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for readers to gather’ is an excellent way to think about using ‘seeds’ in your copy.

      As for the name ‘seeds of curiosity’, I’ve seen this technique also referred to as ‘dog fangs’ and ‘Roncoisms’ (named after Ron Popeil who came up with the phrase ‘But Wait! There’s More!’).

  5. Loved how you focused on the importance of making copywriting work with content marketing efforts – all too often, we see writers and companies take on the “if you build it, they will come mentality.” Great content is really nothing without the right promotional force behind it.

    Anyway, great piece! Keep them coming.

  6. Very well paced, thoughtful article! I enjoyed it to the last word. As to writing techniques, I like curve balls. First, an empathic start to bridge the gap, a bit of pain and complication and in the end a solution to the problem posed. I relate to this writing style because I’ve used it, but if I can interject a bit of comedic relief and surprise into a piece then all the better. After all, who likes dogs who only die? Instead, let’s teach those puppies a few new tricks!

  7. Hi Dustin,

    The human mind is quite complex – but also, amazingly simple: it respondes to prompts, especially well crafted and articulated ones that bear the mark of knowledge & the insigna of help.

    No human can resist this.

    Personally, I deploy a ton of tactics and advanced psychology that will in itself, make up a pretty fine book. However, my arsenal shares parentage with the tips you have here – they are from the same stock 🙂

    You write damn fine 🙂 🙂

    Do make the day great!

    Akaahan Terungwa

  8. Hi Dustin,

    It takes a few minutes to read a blog post of an average length, but the most successful post is that which one comes to our memory again & again.

    I wanna say that engaging content is necessary, but at the same time, we need to make sure that our readers will talk about it when they’ll complete reading it.

    AND of course, your 3 points mentioned here in this post are really helpful in creating magnetic content for our readers.

    Though I knew all of them before, reading the old thing in a new format was an awesome experience.

    Thank you very much,

  9. Dustin, pretty awesome post it was, totally! this will help me in selling my next product with high Conversion rate for sure. Keep Posting such awesome post, Thank you!

  10. Hi, Dustin.

    Thank you for your article. I just used your tips in an article on my blog and jotted it down for use in upcoming articles.
    Write to people, thinking of solving their problems … It makes perfect sense, and I’m using a technique too.
    I try to imagine how the person feels about the subject I want to write and understand why he is looking for this subject on the internet.
    And so I imagine the words that I would like to read, the content and the solution to the subject, always trying to understand the best possible what the reader thinks.
    This works great!

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