Falling in Love with the Unintended Audience

Falling in Love with the Unintended Audience

Reader Comments (10)

  1. I doubt I knew who I started to write for when I opened my blog. And I doubt it these days as well.

    What I like about blogging is, like you said, the interaction between readers and me. I don’t mean all these flamewars, but that interesting dialog between people. I like it a lot.

  2. I think you’ve brought up some interesting points. There is only so much you can do in regards to blog readership.

    You may have a well thought out business plan, strategy and link campaign but at the end of it all attract a far different crowd then the one envisioned.

    I think that’s why it’s very important to brand yourself and do what you truly enjoy. Following your passions will give you the longevity to keep going through any opposition.

  3. what an eye-opening post. Since i started the blog on my site, I’ve been flayling around, hoping to get some sort of ‘hit’ in terms of audience, and at times being a bit inauthentic in the process. You gave some great food for thought here as I try to realign my blog a bit to be more attractive to clients. This helps me realize that may or may not happen 🙂 Thank you!

  4. I feel like the “right” readers will be the ones who start reading your blog, even if they are not your intended readers.

    Just keep doing what you like and what works. An audience that fits will follow.

    Right now I have almost no subscriber’s, and no commenters, so I am not sure what kind of audience I have. My site stats say I have one, just not a very interactive one 🙂

  5. Carson – Great post.

    Interesting topic as well.

    I have found the same thing.

    However, if you are selling something (like a book in my case), you need to stay true to your intended readers or you will loose them quick.


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