People Really Want to Help You

People Really Want to Help You
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Reader Comments (16)

  1. I suppose it’s the difference between wanting to fight with people and “win” the sale vs. working with people for mutual satisfaction.

    wrestling vs dancing.

  2. David, I agree. I could never stomach the arm-twisting techniques some promoted for face-to-face or telephone selling. Who wants to joust with someone who doesn’t even want to speak with you?

    That’s a recipe for mutual “dissatisfaction.”

  3. I find this research with toddlers to be very interesting, and it raises difficlt questions for me. I can look at everything and do, and point to something I get out of it. Even if that getting out of it is a “good” feeling, I think, in the end, I am doing it for that good feeling.

    It is intersting that the toddlers are doing this only when it is evident that there is a need. I really wonder what’s going on here…

    I think you’re right–give, give, give and it will come back around.

  4. Giving is THE easiest way to build trust, authority and a meaningful relationship. Sure some people might advantage of it but you’ll surprised how most people are really not out there to screw you over.

    Another way to do it is to keep everything for yourself then use some marketing ju-jit-su to sell. But that’s just too much work for me.

  5. I could never stomach the arm-twisting techniques some promoted for face-to-face or telephone selling. Who wants to joust with someone who doesn’t even want to speak with you?

  6. Thanks Brian for yet another excellent post.

    Reading about Warneken’s study brought a smile to my face and confirms my own (and my wife’s) experience with our now adult children and our pre-school grandchildren: that toddlers are natural-born helpers.

    And I’m happy to confess that I’m ‘winging it on a shoestring’; and delighted to be persuaded that ‘Small is the next big thing’.

  7. Nice post! I think it comes down to the person..what they have experienced in life and how well they deal with communication. I think it is for the best to always give help and encourage people to do the right thing. Don’t look at it as if they will pay you back for it, look at it as feeling good about yourself that you have helped someone. That is the worst thing in the society today, having people say ..”I’m not going to help them, what have they done for me?” This is where hatred comes in and this is what we teach our children. Again, it is what a person has experienced in life, that’s what it depends on. In any case, great post!

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