7 Steps to Becoming a Better Thinker

7 Steps to Becoming a Better Thinker

Reader Comments (5)

  1. Hi Jerod,

    You’ve really tackled this vital topic well. What can we achieve without proper thoughts?

    One of the biggest differences between a great and poor writer is their thought processes. Regarding the environment to think, I think it may depend on an individual. Some people prefer perfect silence while some prefer low noise.

    Another thing I want to add is about creating a schedule for thinking. We can improve our thinking if we make it a habit rather what we just do once in a while. Or when a problem beckons.

    I remember one of James Altucher’s posts on Quora where he said people should keep a book where they should write 10 ideas when they wake up in the morning. Of course, many of these ideas will be useless. But it will train an individual to think better.

    I believe writers can apply this too.

  2. Thanks for this post. Some great tips!

    One thing I have found that helps me think is to keep a small pad of paper, a pen, and small light next to my bed. Some of my best ideas seem to come out as I lay down for bed going to sleep. Sometimes ideas come when I finally lay down in a quiet bed. So I put them down as often as I can. And one great thing is that the practice of putting my ideas on paper helps me get them out of my head and helps me sleep better.

    That is just what works for me. I know everyone is different. But that has helped me in my thinking a lot.

  3. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

    Looks like the White Queen of Through the Looking Glass was onto something!

  4. Hi Jerod,

    The majority of the human population, do not do enough of the right type of thinking.

    In fact there are two very important creative ways of thinking, that shape our whole futures.

    Both will ultimately, bring into play the very things that we have thrown into the thinking arena.

    There is the positive, and the negative.

    There is the pessimist, and there is the optimist.

    There is light thinking, there is catastrophe thinking.

    There is the power to build, and the power to destroy.

    Getting it right requires very deep focus, to reap the rewards, of a very strict mental diet!

  5. Hi Jarrod! Thanks for posting this! Number 4, clearly identifying the problem, is huge. We humans are thinking All. The. Time. It’s what our brains do and it’s served us well. More often than not, though, we are not aware of our thoughts. As a pre-requisite for Step 4, it may be helpful to actually step back and take a look at our thoughts (meditation is good practice for this) so we can sort out the kinds of specific problems that need answers (call a plumber or sprinkler guy) versus the kind of low-frequency, under the radar rumination that generally doesn’t serve us and offers no hint at a solution. Thanks again for this…I’m sure I’ll be coming back to this post.

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