3 Resources to Help Invigorate Your Standard Content Routine

3 Resources to Help Invigorate Your Standard Content Routine

Reader Comments (10)

  1. Nice to read the whole article. It is really helpful for the newbie marketers like me. I hope I will implement these in future.

  2. “Content may imitate life if it’s engaging, entertaining, and useful.” I totally agreed with that, if you can create content with your personality it’s like imitate life as well and it will be entertaining, useful and probably engaging. People can feel connected with the writer just by throwing personality into an article or post, providing value of course.

    The Content Strategy for Creative Folks it’s interesting since to me was exactly the same as the first part. Infographics are quite popular now, could be the best text out there but an image is a must have for me, something that stand out from the rest and call for engagement.

    Love the post Stefanie!

  3. I really like testing, experimenting to know which one is work best, because its working especially in Facebook Marketing.

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